Boil Corn And Wheat For St. Anna's Health

Boil Corn And Wheat For St. Anna's Health
Boil Corn And Wheat For St. Anna's Health

On December 9, Orthodox Christians honor the conception of Saint Anna - the mother of the Virgin Mary, with a special ritual table, which is attended only by fasting meals.

As Christmas fasting ends on December 25, the holiday should be celebrated without food of animal origin.

Boiled corn, boiled wheat, pie with cabbage, leeks with rice and olives must be present on the table for the health of especially pregnant women, because the saint is the patron saint of pregnancy, childbirth and childbirth.

It is believed that today it is mandatory to eat wheat and corn to be fertile and rich next year and crops to grow. Wheat and corn must be distributed in order to be more successful.

According to the belief of this day, pregnant women should not work to give birth more easily. Those who have become mothers also do not have to work to keep their children healthy.

As Saint Anna is also the patroness of marriage, today unmarried women can guess when they will get married. They should put in a pot full of water, twigs of cherry or apple and if by New Year they have sprouted, it is a sign of a recent wedding.

It is believed that the first person to cross the threshold of the home can tell what the next year will be like. If he is healthy, the year will be fertile and abundant, if he is sick - we will not enjoy a rich harvest.

St. Anne's Day unites with the next Christian holidays - St. Spyridon, which is celebrated on December 12, and St. Daniel the Prophet, which is celebrated on December 17.

The three holidays are associated with the female beginning and are celebrated as a transition to the new annual cycle, which is why rituals for fertility and success are observed. On St. Spyridon and St. Daniel, women must knead cakes and distribute them for health and well-being.
