Isn't That Ingenious? Knead The Easter Cake With Threads In The Washing Machine

Isn't That Ingenious? Knead The Easter Cake With Threads In The Washing Machine
Isn't That Ingenious? Knead The Easter Cake With Threads In The Washing Machine

According to tradition, we cannot celebrate Easter without Easter cake, but in order for it to be really tasty, it must be well kneaded. However, there is a much more clever way to knead it, without torturing your hands.

The method was invented by Spaska Kudeva from the village of Saparevo, who says that she has been kneading her Easter cake in the washing machine for several years. Each time it is very tasty, says the hostess from personal experience.

After preparing the dough, Spaska puts it in three plastic bags one after the other, tying them well. Excellent packaging will not allow the dough to stain the entire washing machine.

When the dough is well packed in plastic bags, you can put it in the washing machine. Turn on the centrifuge at the lowest speed, then gradually increase until it reaches 1000 rpm.

Then the speed decreases. The procedure is repeated twice, after which the dough will be completely ready, says Spaska from Saparevo, quoted by Darik.

Easter cake
Easter cake

From other Internet forums, other cooks say that if you are going to knead Easter cakes in the washing machine spin program, it is best to use thick black plastic bags, because there is a danger that others will break and the dough will stick to the washing machine.

You also need to add a little fat before placing the dough and putting it in the washing machine.

It takes about 15 minutes to knead a perfect dough, after which you can shape it and bake it.

However, if you are worried about using the kneading machine, homemade bread machines will save you a lot of effort around kneading the Easter cake. It only takes 30 minutes and the dough will be ready to shape.
