What Not To Eat To Lose Weight

What Not To Eat To Lose Weight
What Not To Eat To Lose Weight

From foods of certain categories can be separated those from which you gain weight quickly. If you limit their consumption, you will lose weight easily.

From fats of vegetable and animal origin you should limit the consumption of lard and margarine. They lead to the fastest accumulation of extra pounds.

From meat and meat products it is recommended to reduce the consumption of mutton and pork, as well as bacon. They are rich in fat and lead to the accumulation of extra pounds.

From the nuts, cut almonds, peanuts and pine nuts. Avocados and bananas are the fruits from which you can easily gain extra pounds.

From dairy products, reduce the consumption of fatty cheeses. This is how processed products work, which have the strongest impact on the extra pounds - ice cream, cakes, all pastries and cakes.


Canned foods, dry salami, potato chips and french fries work in the same way.

The products from which you gain weight are especially contraindicated for people suffering from cardiovascular disease or obesity. This includes fatty foods, fried foods, breaded meats and cheeses, high-flour products and pastries. Smoking and high cholesterol destroy the walls of blood vessels and contribute to the formation of blood clots.

Of the drinks, those with a high sugar content - carbonated and fruit drinks - have the worst effect on weight. It is recommended that if you drink them, dilute them in half with water.

Instead of sugar in coffee and tea is good to use a substitute, you can use honey for this purpose. Alcohol also affects weight, so if you decide to get rid of excess weight - better forget it at least for a while.
