Why Was Milk Banned From Milking Parlors In Slovenia?

Why Was Milk Banned From Milking Parlors In Slovenia?
Why Was Milk Banned From Milking Parlors In Slovenia?

Last year there was a kind of precedent in Slovenia - the so-called milking machines were banned by the Food Safety Agency. The ban applies to several places in the country.

The ban in Slovenia is due to the carcinogen aflatoxin found in milk dispensers. The first registered case was of appliances selling fresh milk in Ljubljana. Similar revelations followed in several other cities in the country. The detected doses of aflatoxins in milk were more than four times the permissible levels.

Aflatoxins are essentially mycotoxic substances from two types of molds. They usually grow in food under the influence of high humidity, such as in milk.

Aflatoxins found in milk in Slovenia are among the most dangerous species. Experts say they act directly on genes. It has been found that a single dose causes a momentary disorder that quickly subsides. However, regular intake leads to a real risk of cirrhosis or liver cancer.

The most dangerous aflatoxin found in dairy analyzes is carcinogenic B1. Previous research has shown that in addition to milk, it can be found in the meat of animals that have consumed contaminated feed, nuts, rice, wheat, dried fruits, spices, crude vegetable oils and others.

Another of the detected toxins - M1, causes mild food poisoning, which is controlled within a day or two.

The most serious risk that has been identified is that of carcinogens on liver cells. It is long-term and is caused by frequent intake of products with aflatoxins. They can also cause various forms of leukemia in the bloodstream.

Experts advise to be especially careful with the various household products and especially those that visibly have mold. These fungi are almost always found in it.

They are also found in brown spots on apples, moldy bread, even in cosmetics. Any suspicion that a product is spoiled in any form should prompt you to discard it.
