If You Eat Once A Day, The Body Eats The Muscles

If You Eat Once A Day, The Body Eats The Muscles
If You Eat Once A Day, The Body Eats The Muscles

Studies by Italian nutritionists have shown that a diet in which you eat one to three times a day, you take much more than if you eat 5-6 times a day.

The basic rule of healthy eating is to eat every three hours. Following this rule, even with the same calorie intake, allows you to lose weight easier and faster, say nutritionists.

You can not eat more often, because digestion takes about 2-2, 5 hours, and if you eat before it runs out, the previous food will still not be digested. Eating 5-6 times a day will allow you to maintain a high level of metabolism.

This will cause you to burn calories faster. In addition, frequent eating is one of the best methods to deal with excess appetite. If you know that you will eat again in three hours, you will not be crowded right now.

If you eat once a day, the body eats the muscles
If you eat once a day, the body eats the muscles

This method of eating does not have the side effect of most diets, in which you constantly have stomach aches from hunger and may even make you sick.

And if you just eat infrequently - ie. once or twice a day, your body destroys muscle instead of fat, and after a hearty meal, insulin levels jump.

As a result, calories are converted into fat. Even if you don't go to the gym often, subcutaneous fat will turn your body into a fluffy jelly-like, even if you're seemingly thin.
