How To Cut Onions Without Shedding Tears?

How To Cut Onions Without Shedding Tears?
How To Cut Onions Without Shedding Tears?

No Mexican or Turkish series has caused so many tears for the ladies as cutting onions. But without it we practically can't! We put onions almost everywhere - in soups, salads and most main dishes.

Of course, this does not mean that you have to put up with the unpleasant feeling that this vegetable causes us. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to cut onions without shedding tears. Here are some of the most effective:

- Put the onion in the freezer for 10-15 minutes before cutting. This will save your tears;

- Choose a smooth and sharp knife for cutting onions. You can leave it in the freezer for 5-10 minutes before cutting the onion;

- Cut the onion under the hood. Thus the fierce vapors will be caught and taken away from your eyes;

- Another way to cut onions without tears is to pre-grease the cutting board with lemon juice or vinegar. An option is to sprinkle the board with salt;

- you can try to breathe through your mouth while cutting onions, although this is done even involuntarily;

- often mentioned advice is to chew something while cutting onions (bread, chewing gum, etc.);

- Special glasses for cutting onions are also sold, but if you do not have them, you can try swimming goggles or sunglasses.


You can find more than a dozen tips on how to cut onions without shedding tears. But we offer you the ones we think are the most effective and proven. We hope you do the job! If not - give this difficult task to the men at home and test their will!

And if you have your own tricks for successfully cutting onions without tears, we will be happy to share them with us in the comments below the article.
