Prohibited Foods To Prevent Colon Cancer

Prohibited Foods To Prevent Colon Cancer
Prohibited Foods To Prevent Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers - in men it is after lung cancer, and in women - after breast cancer. It mainly affects men, while it is less common in women. The incidence is mostly after the age of 50, but there are exceptions.

The causes of this disease are different - hereditary, as well as due to external or internal factors.

For example, the consumption of large amounts of products of animal origin, smoking, insufficient calcium intake, repeated use of the same fat during cooking or frying can lead to changes in bile acids, which have a certain carcinogenic effect.

Persistent and prolonged constipation leads to the development in the intestines of anaerobic bacteria, which also excrete substances with a carcinogenic effect.

Some food additives used in the food industry in order to preserve the fresh appearance of the product, improve the taste and increase the durability - E have a proven carcinogenic effect.

Eliminating the impact on the human body of the so-called external factors leading to the development of any malignant disease, and more specifically to colon cancer, is a task of personal care and culture.

Unhealthy foods
Unhealthy foods

It involves the elimination of these carcinogenic factors from food, limiting the consumption of food cooked in microwave ovens, repeated use of fat in cooking, prolonged stay of food in freezers.

It is necessary to consume fresh foods, fruits and vegetables, raw, as well as the intake of sufficient in type and amount of vitamins that normalize the intestinal contents and prevent the development of tumor cells. Eating foods rich in cellulose helps cleanse the colon of accumulated toxins.

Remember! The culture of nutrition is of paramount importance for the prevention and management of the disease.
