Sugar And Ice Stop The Hiccups

Sugar And Ice Stop The Hiccups
Sugar And Ice Stop The Hiccups

When a person hiccups, there is an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, which passes to the intercostal muscles. Usually people are not able to stop this process.

In seconds, the airways close and a sound is produced that is not the most pleasant. If the hiccups last a long time, you need to think about the reasons for this.

Hiccups can be caused by the rapid ingestion of food and fluids. It also occurs when overeating. When consuming too greasy and spicy food, which is supplemented with carbonated beverages, hiccups also occur.

One also hiccups when drinking too cold drinks, as well as when emotions are too strong. Some types of hiccups that do not go away quickly can be a symptom of a disease.

Sugar and ice stop the hiccups
Sugar and ice stop the hiccups

When hiccups do not last for hours and bring a person to a state of complete helplessness, this can be a symptom of damage to the central nervous system.

This can be a stroke, traumatic brain injury, poisoning, metabolic disorders. With increased intracranial pressure, there may also be constant hiccups.

Sometimes, along with hiccups, unpleasant sensations appear in the heart, stomach, under the ribs or in one of the organs. In such cases, the involuntary contraction of the diaphragm may be due to developing a heart attack, gastritis, ulcer or a problem with the digestive system.

However, if all is well and you just want to get rid of the annoying hiccups, hold your breath as long as possible. This will help your diaphragm to calm down.

Drink a glass of water in very small sips. This is an easier option than trying not to breathe. An option is to eat a tablespoon of sugar without drinking anything.

Put a cold compress or ice on your throat - it also helps. Drinking hot tea also helps. Squeeze your eyes slightly closed and keep your fingers on them for two minutes.
