Stir In Without Getting Rid Of French Fries

Stir In Without Getting Rid Of French Fries
Stir In Without Getting Rid Of French Fries

In order to always be healthy and not worry about your weight, you need to eat right, say Italian nutritionists. We all justify the lack of time, but it turns out that simple rules must be followed to have the ideal weight.

The most important thing is the beginning of the day, ie breakfast. It should be oatmeal or muesli porridge, but without fresh milk, but only with warm water. If you want to eat fried salami for breakfast, you can, but baked on Teflon.

Drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice every morning. Even a small glass will count for one of the mandatory five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

Buy a juicer - this is the best investment for your health and beauty. Remember that alcohol is only harmful to alcoholics.

People who drink alcohol in moderation live much longer. You should not overdo it with high-alcohol drinks.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, but water, not coffee, tea or juice. Try to do it for ten days in a row and you will see how the skin on your face will glow.

Drink one glass of water immediately after getting up and one glass of water before each meal. This will reduce your appetite and hydrate your body. You will tell by the color of your urine if you drink enough water.

If it is very dark, you have an urgent need for water. And if it's transparent, you've overdosed on water. Another piece of advice from nutritionists is to try to limit fat. If you have cooked greasy soup, leave it in the refrigerator.

French fries
French fries

The fat will solidify on the surface of the soup and you can easily remove it with a slotted spoon. To remove the fat from the sauce, toss a few ice cubes in the hot sauce. The fat will flow around the ice and you will easily sweat.

If you can't live without french fries, just cut them very thin. This way they will contain twice less calories and fat. Fry the potatoes in boiling fat.

The high temperature seals the surface of the potato and it is impossible for it to become very greasy. Instead of sweets, eat nuts and dried fruits. Make your own mixes of different fruits and nuts.

Do not leave candies and cookies outside the cabinets, because they attract the eye and the hands reach for them. And in order for your body to receive all possible vitamins, load it with fruits and vegetables in different colors.
