How To Shop Without Getting A Coronavirus

How To Shop Without Getting A Coronavirus
How To Shop Without Getting A Coronavirus

Perhaps many people have already panicked at the mention of the word coronavirus. At the same time, there is no room for panic, but simply taking adequate measures to protect your health. In this case, we will give you guidelines how to shopso as to avoid the risks associated with coronavirus infection not only, but also to everyone else.

1. Stay away from others

Stay at a sufficient distance from other buyers (it is now considered safer to be at a distance of 2 m instead of 1 m). You do not need to follow the eyes of the people who should be watching your movement. On the contrary, if you are responsible enough for your family and the whole society, do not approach anyone within 2 meters. In this way, you give a chance not only to your loved ones (if you are infected with a coronavirus or many other viruses that are not to be underestimated), but also to all other people around you.

2. Always wear a face mask

When going to market, always use a face mask as well as gloves. Gloves are already a proven precaution, but it's important to take them off in a way that doesn't touch your fingers or the skin of your hands. After removing the gloves from your hands, discard them immediately and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.

Regarding the protective face mask, there are various arguments whether it is useful or not. But one thing is for sure - if you are infected with a coronavirus, you could protect other people from this disease. In case you are not infected, a face mask would prevent you from inadvertently touching your nose, eyes or mouth - probably the easiest way to get a coronavirus.

3. Do not store freshly purchased goods directly in your home

Clean the products to protect against coronavirus
Clean the products to protect against coronavirus

Few facts are known about the resistance of the coronavirus, but experts are adamant that it can live for days on surfaces, materials, etc. Which may automatically lead us to think that after we have made another urgent market from the store or the pharmacy, it is better to leave it standing somewhere for about 5-6 hours (on the balcony, in the car, in the basement, in the warehouse, etc.).

4. Wash hands immediately after market

When you come home from the market, immediately clean your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water. If you have got gloves, then immediately throw them in a basket with a lid and start washing your hands, which you already know should be at least 20 seconds. Given the fact that regular washing will inevitably lead to dry skin on the hands, then take care of their hydration.

5. Be careful with clothes and shoes

How to shop without getting a coronavirus
How to shop without getting a coronavirus

There is no clear data on how long the coronavirus can "last" on clothes, fabrics, etc., but it is also clear that it lasts on metal surfaces for about 12 hours, which is a little scary, right? We would recommend that after leaving, whether for groceries, pharmacy or work, just leave your shoes in front of the front door. As for the clothes - either directly in the washing machine, or on the balcony, storage, etc. - in any place where they (clothes) will not touch your skin for at least 5 hours.
