How And With What To Eat In The Winter?

How And With What To Eat In The Winter?
How And With What To Eat In The Winter?

Winter is a very cold season and during it our body needs a lot of energy to be able to maintain body heat. We also need foods to support our immune system. In this way we will protect ourselves from different types of viruses.

The winter months are not pleasant and we have to eat certain foods and ingredients.

The most important thing is to take enough vitamins and minerals.

- Magnesium - this is one of the most common chemical elements that is involved in most enzymatic reactions. This is why it is so important for maintaining good health. Most often we can add it from cereals, nuts, seeds, coffee and spinach. Dark chocolate, bananas and barley are also rich sources of magnesium.

- Zinc - we can get it from pumpkin seeds, meat and seafood. Zinc helps maintain the body's immune system and prevent colds;

- Different types of vitamins / B, C and D3 / - all these vitamins support the body's immunity and improve the physical condition of the body. Such vitamins can be obtained from red meat, fish, legumes, milk, liver, black bread, nuts and more.

Fruits and vegetables are also good for winter nutrition, as they also strengthen the immune system. You can consume all the products that are available on the market.

It is good to make a fish menu at least 1-2 times a week. It is a major source of omega-3 fatty acids, which kill bacteria in the body.

Of course, the most important foods are meat and dairy products. They are a rich source of protein. They also support the metabolism as it weakens in the winter.

And don't forget - eat 5 times a day every 3 hours!
