Sweetened Drinks Harm The Intellect

Sweetened Drinks Harm The Intellect
Sweetened Drinks Harm The Intellect

Regular drinking of sweetened soft drinks weakens the intellect. More often, women are addicted to sweets and sodas.

Sometimes they cannot control the amount they drink from sweetened drinks, which can further lead to medical problems.

Experts demand radical changes and even a halt to the sale of carbonated drinks and their replacement with natural juices.

According to alarming statistics, almost half of the world's population drinks soft drinks every day. In general, young people aged 12 to 19 drink the most.

Also, experts have found a trend that poor people drink more soda than the rich.

In order for your body to function properly, and with it the mind properly, you need to supply it with a lot of water in addition to healthy food. H2O also plays an important role in improving our mental abilities. Drinking enough water significantly improves the work of the brain, liver and all cells.

The recommended water intake is 2.2 liters for women and 2.9 liters for men. During the summer months, it is good to increase consumption to at least 4.5 liters per day. The hydrated body copes much better with intense mental and physical stress.

A well-hydrated body makes us not only smarter but also more beautiful. Intake of more water removes excess impurities from the body, makes the skin elastic, prevents the appearance of cellulite and early wrinkles.
