Curious Facts About Food In Antiquity

Curious Facts About Food In Antiquity
Curious Facts About Food In Antiquity

Since ancient times, food has been the basis of the emergence of countries and continents. For ancient peoples, food was the main livelihood and way of life.

It is these ancient peoples who are at the heart of the discovery, methods of production and cultivation, distribution of food, as well as its application for medical purposes.

The ancient Greeks and Romans were known not only for their wisdom and philosophical views, but also for their rich knowledge as merchants and farmers.

Here are some interesting facts about food in ancient times:

- In trade relations between the population, seeds were used as the main unit of exchange. They were such a treasure that the value of some seed was equal to the value of gold;


- Quinoa has been known since ancient times as the most popular at that time among the population of Peru;


- For the treatment of various diseases, ancient peoples used potatoes quite often. Purple and pink potatoes are mainly used. For this reason, their cultivation was a priority, because in addition to subsistence, they were also used for such purposes;


- In ancient times there was a very popular drink, a fermented tea called kombucha;

- Among the main Roman foods were garlic and cucumbers, and of the spices - basil;


- It was known to the proto-Bulgarians that they prefer to eat meat and local dishes than plant products. This has clearly remained a deep legacy to this day;

- It is a rather curious fact that in ancient times rulers and rulers claimed that the most delicious meat was from stork.
