Curious Facts About Food And Wine

Curious Facts About Food And Wine
Curious Facts About Food And Wine

In some countries, to make clear wine, producers add gelatin from animal bones, as well as red clay and ox blood.

One of the most popular fish - tuna, contains mercury. Excessive consumption can increase the risk of heart disease.

A quarter of the world's people eat fast food every day, while nutritionists around the world recommend that it be done no more than once a month.

Completely skimmed product is not always low in calories. Very often the lack of fat is replaced by even more harmful components that give the product a taste.

In some countries, the sugar bleaching process is carried out with the help of crushed bovine bones. This process was patented in 1812.

Curious facts about food and wine
Curious facts about food and wine

Bosingtang soup in Korea is made from dog meat. For the soup is used a special breed of Nureong, which is not raised as a pet, but in special farms.

This has been officially banned by the Korean government following a large number of international complaints. But the production of the soup continues and in some restaurants it can be tried illegally.

Instead of drinking coffee early in the morning, you can eat two apples. They have a much more tonic effect and immediately wake you up and have a beautifying effect.

Children consume about one kilogram of sugar per week. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of hidden sugar in sweet muesli, cornflakes, ketchups for children, children's snacks and pastries, which are a favorite of the kids.

The great taste of many foods is mainly due to the artificial flavors they contain. Without flavorings, many foods would taste too mediocre.
