Curious Facts About Burgers

Curious Facts About Burgers
Curious Facts About Burgers

Only those who have never in their life tried a real freshly prepared burger, can not understand the pleasure of the senses and the palate, wearing this not very healthy, let's call it, a sandwich.

The bread with crispy crust, fresh lettuce leaf, fragrant yellow cheese and all kinds of other products is so famous all over the world that for several years on May 28, the National Sandwich Day is celebrated.

Here are some more interesting facts about the tasty but harmful food that you should never overdo:

1. The largest hamburger in the world was made in Carlton, Minnesota in September 2012. It weighed nearly a ton and had a diameter of three meters. 23 kg of lettuce and 26 kg of bacon were used to make it;

Curious facts about burgers
Curious facts about burgers

2. In the United States, 50 billion burgers are eaten every year, no matter how unbelievable;

3. Every second, McDonald's restaurants sell 75 burgers to their customers;

4. Vegetarian burgers are neither healthy nor healthy. As you know, they are made with soy, which, however, is treated with hexane. Hexane is a toxic chemical that is a by-product of the refining of gasoline and air pollutants;

5. The fattest burger in the world is called the Quadruple Bypass. It is offered to customers of the fast food restaurant Stroke Grill and has a staggering 9982 calories.

6. Fleur Burger is one of the most expensive burgers in the world. It costs $ 5,000, for which you get a sandwich with goose pate, Kobe beef and black truffles;

The most expensive burger
The most expensive burger

7. According to statistics, 60 percent of all sandwiches sold worldwide are burgers;

8. The world record for eating a 4-kilogram Big Daddy cheeseburger is held by a lady. Her name is Sonia Thomas and she managed the challenge in 27 minutes;

It turns out that burgers are of interest not only to gourmands, but also to serious scientists. According to Charles Michel, a food perception specialist at Oxford University, the ideal burger is 7 cm high and consists of exactly nine layers.

In addition, in order to get the maximum pleasure from eating it, it should not be served on a plate or use utensils when consuming it.

The scientist defines eating a burger as a multisensory perception, because only 15 percent of the pleasure of consuming it lies in its taste.

Another 30 percent is due to its aroma, 25 percent brings us the touch and 15 percent - the sound when swallowing and the appearance of the burger.
