As Much As 88 Million Tonnes Of Food Go To Waste Every Year In Europe

As Much As 88 Million Tonnes Of Food Go To Waste Every Year In Europe
As Much As 88 Million Tonnes Of Food Go To Waste Every Year In Europe

The European Union spends more than 88 million tonnes of food a year. This makes 173 kg per person.

The figures are bleak - millions of tonnes of food waste accumulate in the European Union every year. Measures are already being considered on how to reduce such waste in every household.

The lost food is wasted at every step of the way from the producer to the final consumer. It all starts from the farms, goes through the production, in the shops, in the restaurants and finally reaches the home. The biggest losses are in households, which are responsible for 53% of food waste. Next in the ranking is the processing process, where about 19% go.

One of the big problems is the expiration date labels. Only 47% of users understand the Best to tag, and only 40% are familiar with the meaning of the Use By tag. This leads to frequent disposal of suitable products.

Food waste
Food waste

Waste of food is a big problem. To produce it, in the first place, limited resources such as water, soil, energy, working time were used.

Wasted products are already responsible for more than 8% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. There is also an ethical problem, as nearly 800 million people worldwide do not eat properly. More than 55 million people cannot afford food every other day.

The EP is already taking steps to reduce food waste. Today, Parliament is debating a report proposing a series of measures to reduce food waste in the EU by 50% by 2030. The new text recommends easing VAT on food donations and clarifying the Best to and Use labels. to.
