Origin And History Of Honey Wine

Origin And History Of Honey Wine
Origin And History Of Honey Wine

When the day of St. Patrick stepped in, some could shake up their beer traditions - and focus on a real Irish treasure - Mead.

What exactly is Mead?

This is delicious honey wine, produced from fermented honey instead of grapes, along with water and yeast and has been used by Celtic peoples for centuries. Mead can be produced in a number of styles as some manufacturers add fruits, herbs and even spices to the honey mixture.

The history of honey wine

Although the history of many countries is connected with honey wine, Ireland is the one who had a long love affair with him. This famous drink, which is believed to have been used by Irish monks during the Middle Ages, gallops through social circles in this country: from Irish peasants, to Irish saints and kings. Mead is present in Gaelic poetry and Irish folklore and reaches the ancient Greeks, who call it ragweed.

Mead and the Celtic tradition

Honey wine
Honey wine

In Celtic cultures, Mead is believed to increase masculinity and fertility, while having aphrodisiac properties. As a result, Mead quickly found his place in Irish wedding ceremonies. In fact, the term "honeymoon" is thought to derive from the Irish tradition of newlyweds drinking honey wine every day for a period of one full moon (one month) after their weddings. Today, some Irish weddings still include the traditional Mead toast for the newlyweds as a tribute to the wishes of the old and the young.

Serving Mead

This drink can be served both chilled and warmed and is a perfect addition to chicken or turkey dishes or vegetable dishes.
