Inspectors Found 250kg Of Expired Chicken

Inspectors Found 250kg Of Expired Chicken
Inspectors Found 250kg Of Expired Chicken

Nearly 250 kg of expired chicken meat were found by Inspectors from the Regional Directorate of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (OD of BFSA) in Plovdiv, informed the head of the directorate Dr. Kamen Yankov.

The meat was found in various shops, it was confiscated and sent for destruction in a slaughterhouse.

During the mass inspections of warehouses, restaurants and other sites on the territory of Plovdiv district, 6 kg of sausages were found, also with expired expiration date, which must also be destroyed.

This Wednesday (July 17) 15 food outlets in the Wholesale trade became the object of mass inspections, where no significant violations were found.

Inspectors from the BFSA-Plovdiv OD also perform daily inspections of vegetable exchanges in the district.

Inspectors found 250kg of expired chicken
Inspectors found 250kg of expired chicken

They monitor the presence of labels and documents of origin of products, which are among the most common violations of traders on exchanges and markets.

According to the head of the BFSA-Plovdiv, it is especially difficult for traders to learn that they must first be registered as such in order to operate.

The inspections of the BFSA bodies will continue on the territory of the whole country, and the inspectors will be especially active in the middle of the summer season.

Priority will be given to wholesale warehouses and sellers of fruit and vegetable stalls.

Under the magnifying glass will be monitored and traders who offer fast food, ice cream, boiled corn and more.
