The Carp For St. Nicholas Day Will Cost Us About 5 Leva Per Kilogram

The Carp For St. Nicholas Day Will Cost Us About 5 Leva Per Kilogram
The Carp For St. Nicholas Day Will Cost Us About 5 Leva Per Kilogram

The carp, which is traditionally placed on the table for St. Nicholas Day, will cost us an average of BGN 5 per kilogram. On the eve of the holiday, the fish market has moved, analyzes show.

Every year around St. Nicholas Day, fish sales jump by about 70%, with carp buying between 1.3 and 3 kilograms, according to data from the largest food chains.

Experts do not rule out the option on the day of the holiday for the price of a kilo of carp to jump above BGN 6. However, they advise you not to buy fish from unregulated places of dubious quality, despite the tempting low prices.

According to the State Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Markets, after carp Bulgarians most often prepare frozen mackerel for the holiday. Its values will be around BGN 3.80 per kilogram wholesale and BGN 4.50-5 per kilogram retail.

Clean and headless mackerel will be sold at retail for between BGN 6 and 7 per kilogram.

For lovers of exotics, there are also plenty of options. Among the most expensive are tuna fillets, which cost about BGN 30 per kilogram, as well as sea devil tails at a price of BGN 42 per kilogram.

Black Sea fish are also offered at the fish market in Varna - from the cheap sprat to turbot, but for BGN 30 per kilogram.

Some fish farms in the country offer fishing enthusiasts to catch their own dinner and buy it at lower prices than in the store.
