Troskot - An Alternative To Coffee And Flour

Troskot - An Alternative To Coffee And Flour
Troskot - An Alternative To Coffee And Flour

The herbaceous plant Troskot (Agropyron repens) is usually a great inconvenience for growers. The name of this grass comes from Greek - agros (field) and puros (wheat).

Cod in most cases attacks agricultural areas, while producing a chemical that slows the growth of other plants. However, in many parts of Europe, cob is used for fodder. There are even cases when the roots of the plant save the locals from starvation.

As incredible as it sounds, this weed is extremely useful for consumption. Data for it are found in the ancient authors Dioscorides and Pliny. In their works, they recommend the use of cob roots. It was then thought that they had a beneficial effect on urine flow and the treatment of kidney stones.

After many years of calm, we found data on cobwebs in 1597. Then the herbalist John Gerard said that in those years the plant was declared a curse by the peasants, whose crops he destroyed.

On the other hand, he says, cod root was a cure for constipation because it had a cleansing effect. The herb cleanses the uterus and liver of impurities and germs.

One of the main features that makes cod valuable is that it is a wonderful alternative to flour and coffee. Baked roots have been used for this purpose since the beginning of the last century.


To be used, the herb is washed and drained after picking. Drying takes place in ventilated rooms. The roots are ready for use when completely dry.

Cod infusion is prepared for medicinal purposes. For this purpose, the thin tubular roots of the plant are soaked in water, from which it is taken from 3 ml to 6 ml three times a day.

The decoction of cod is prepared as 2 tsp. finely chopped roots put in a glass of water. The mixture should boil for about 10 minutes. Drink 100 g of the decoction three times a day.
