Find Out Which Is The Healthiest Alternative To Coffee

Find Out Which Is The Healthiest Alternative To Coffee
Find Out Which Is The Healthiest Alternative To Coffee

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Behind the Latin name Tsiperus esculentus modestly hides a plant with a surprisingly wide application in medicine and culinary art.

Chufa / view the gallery /, which in Spanish means ground almond, impresses with an oily and dense taste of nuts. Whether cooked and prepared as a savory appetizer or included in recipes for confectionery masterpieces with a refined taste, this cult plant by the Spaniards will enjoy well-deserved approval.

It is on the Iberian Peninsula that the aroma of chufa is carried and reigns, filled and served after the preparation of many different recipes, which ingeniously tell us that we can use its tubers to mix coffee.

The difference, which inevitably increases the value of such an experiment, is the absence of caffeine in the prepared beverage. On the other hand, when consuming tuff, our body receives a number of useful substances: oleic acid, omega-9, arginine - an amino acid that is good for patients with anemia, as well as phosphorus and potassium.

As chufa nuts go well with chocolate desserts, coffee, milk and sweet toppings, they can participate in a variety of drinks - hot or cold, depending on personal preference and season. In Spain, the drink orcha is very popular, but instead of rice, as the original recipe dictates, to mix it at home, the main player here are the broken tubers.

Spanish orchard

Necessary products:

100 g chufa

350 ml. water

3 tsp sugar (optional)

1 cinnamon stick

Method of preparation:

The tuberous tufts are poured into a bowl and soaked in water for 24 hours. Then wash and grind in a blender until a mixture with the consistency of a paste. If necessary, add water while stirring. Pour the water over the already prepared mixture and dip the cinnamon stick.

Place the bowl with the mixture in the refrigerator for two hours (preferably in the zero zone if possible). After it is taken out, the spoons of sugar are added to it. Mix well. Remove the cinnamon stick and strain the mixture several times until the larger particles are removed. The drink is served cold.

From this recipe as a starting point you can improvise and make an even more filling and varied in taste and ingredients drink. In a cup of orcha you can add already chilled Turkish coffee in a fine stream, dip a ball of vanilla or banana ice cream, pour liquid cream and season with ground caramelized sugar.

Dried and baked in the oven, chufa tubers can be prepared as ordinary coffee. To do this, they are ground and the aromatic dry ingredient is added to boiling water. For one cup of coffee, the amount required is 2 tsp. ground dried tubers. Sugar can be added to the coffee prepared in this way.
