Let's Make Homemade Chocolate With Nuts

Let's Make Homemade Chocolate With Nuts
Let's Make Homemade Chocolate With Nuts

Please chocolate with nuts, you can also prepare it at home. In this way you will avoid the harmful hydrogenated oils and sweeteners that are used in most commercial cocoa products.

Necessary products: 250 grams of natural chocolate, 1 cup nuts to taste - walnuts, almonds, peanuts or a mix of different types of nuts. If you like raisins, add three quarters of a cup of dried fruit. Additionally, add 1 tablespoon of peeled sunflower seeds.

The natural chocolate is broken into pieces and melted in a water bath. The nuts are baked for five minutes in a hot oven and then pounded in bulk. Dried fruits are cut into large pieces and mixed with nuts. Add the sunflower seeds.

Homemade chocolate
Homemade chocolate

The whole mixture is mixed well and poured on a tray lined with aluminum foil. You can sprinkle the chocolate with a little coconut shavings if desired. Leave to harden in the refrigerator and then break into large pieces.

You can do chocolate with nuts and without using a ready-made chocolate bar.

Necessary products: 100 grams of cocoa powder, 25 grams of cocoa butter, which in its absence is replaced with butter, 4 tablespoons powdered sugar, 6 coarsely chopped walnuts, 1 teaspoon coconut shavings, 1 teaspoon condensed milk, a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of dry milk.

The cocoa is mixed with the butter and melted in a water bath with constant stirring. Add the powdered sugar to the mixture and stir until the lumps are removed.

Chocolate with nuts
Chocolate with nuts

Add the remaining products and mix everything very well. The mixture is poured into a pan lined with aluminum foil, or in smaller forms, and allowed to cool first on the table, and then - to harden in the refrigerator. Due to the powdered and condensed milk, milk chocolate is obtained, which melts directly in the mouth.

Chocolate with nuts and the aroma of whiskey is obtained very easily.

Necessary products: 100 grams of cocoa powder, 200 milliliters of liquid cream, 50 grams of butter, 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons of powdered milk, 50 milliliters of whiskey, 5 large walnuts or a dozen hazelnuts.

Melt the cocoa with butter in a water bath. The cream is mixed with powdered sugar and powdered milk, warmed slightly and mixed with the cocoa mixture. Stir until smooth in a water bath. Add the nuts, previously crushed in bulk, and the whiskey. Pour everything into a pan lined with aluminum foil and leave to set in the refrigerator.
