Let's Make Homemade Bacon

Let's Make Homemade Bacon
Let's Make Homemade Bacon

Often buying bacon comes out at the expense of consumers. Despite the many requirements, hardly anyone can be sure of the amounts of meat and water, improvers and preservatives added in the production. We can get a full guarantee for the quality of the sausage only if you have it prepare bacon alone.

The bacon is among the most durable meat products made from pork. To prepare it, you get, first of all, one or two kilograms of fresh pork. It is best to be from the belly or - for colorful bacon - from the lower pork ribs.

One of the most important qualities of bacon meat is the thickness and firmness of the bacon. It must be firm, white in color, with a grainy structure. The musculature of the animal must be evenly grayed.

Pork for bacon
Pork for bacon

The hams that we choose for the production of bacon are cut from the animal about 4 cm in front of the thigh. The pieces must be cut with one pull of the knife. The result should be smooth. It is salted with dry salt, and about 1.1 kg of salt is needed for 50 kg of meat.

The shanks are arranged in a pre-prepared bowl. Press on top with a wooden grid and pour brine with a concentration of 25% salt to cover them. Keep in mind that 10 kg of meat requires 6 liters of brine.

The meat is salted in a cool room at a temperature of 3-4 degrees. Thus, the bacon is left for 6 to 8 days, after which it is removed from the brine and left to drain. When completely drained of the brine, the skin is scraped off and a hanger is made with a hanging rope.

Arrange in a dryer. Smoking the meat lasts 8 days at a room temperature of 25-30 degrees. An average of 50-46 kg of smoked bacon is obtained from 50 kg of salted pork. It is stored tightly closed in canvas bags and hung in a ventilated place.

Another option for the preparation of homemade bacon is as follows: the meat, if necessary, is deboned. Prepare a mixture for marinating 30 g of salt, 10-30 g of sugar and about 10 g of other spices, as well as 0.25 g to 1 g of potassium nitrate (KN03), for 1 kg of meat. Potassium nitrate should not be overdone, as it is poisonous in large quantities. He kills bacteria in meat and retains its color for a long time.


The spices are mixed and rubbed into the meat. It is placed in a closed container or in a plastic bag and left on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for about a week. Then wash well in cold water and allow to dry in a cool place for up to two weeks.

It is regularly reviewed. If white powdery mildew appears on its surface, it is removed with a cloth soaked in vinegar.

The resulting homemade bacon can be smoked, but in this state it is also delicious.
