These Garlic Recipes Keep Viruses Away

These Garlic Recipes Keep Viruses Away
These Garlic Recipes Keep Viruses Away

Why is garlic so useful?

Because even consumption of one clove of garlic a day can have a positive effect on our health. Garlic contains vitamins B, vitamin C, PP and provitamin A. There are also amino acids and mineral salts - magnesium, calcium and potassium, as well as essential oils that give garlic a characteristic odor.

Properties of garlic for human health

eating garlic
eating garlic

1. That's it natural antibiotic, which inhibits the growth of bacteria, but does not destroy the natural bacterial flora, such as drugs available in pharmacies.

2. Prevents and fights respiratory viral infections;

3. Destroys parasites of the digestive system;

4. Rejuvenates - the antioxidants contained in it fight free radicals and slow down the aging process of the body;

5. Lowers blood pressure and thus prevents heart attacks;

6. It has an anti-tumor effect - antioxidants stimulate the immune system to fight cancer cells;

7. Has a beneficial effect on the digestive system - improves bowel function.

Garlic with milk against the common cold

milk with garlic
milk with garlic

Garlic milk, used against colds, is a method loved by grandmothers and hated by children. However, you can not deny its effectiveness! Himself garlic has bactericidal and antiviral propertiesand in combination with warm milk, honey and spices warms our body. Always when you feel cold, prepare a glass milk with garlic.

All you have to do is add one or two crushed garlic cloves to a glass of warm but not boiling milk. If desired, you can season with honey, which will make the drink even more useful.

Garlic tincture

Recipes with garlic
Recipes with garlic

Garlic tincture usually strengthens the body, but is especially recommended for people with high cholesterol. Garlic tincture cleanses the body of fat accumulation, improves metabolism, prevents atherosclerosis and heart attack.

To make such a tincture is not difficult at all and it has many advantages!

350 g of garlic is pressed and 250 ml of good homemade brandy is added to it. Close the jar tightly with a lid and leave it in a cool, dark place. After 10 days, strain the resulting tincture through gauze and transfer it to a dark bottle. Close the bottle tightly and leave it in a cool place for the next 4 days. After another two weeks, the garlic tincture is ready! Treatment starts with 4 drops twice a day and ends with approximately 30 drops twice a day.

Garlic syrup

Like garlic with honey, the so-called garlic syrup is effective in the fight against colds and flu. It is also useful when you have a sore throat. This is a natural way to quickly strengthen the body's immunity.

To make the syrup, you will need 2 heads of garlic, a few teaspoons of honey, 2 lemons and 1 cup of boiled cold water. Peel the garlic and mash it. Squeeze lemon juice in a glass of water (using a citrus juicer), add the chopped garlic and honey, mix everything thoroughly.

Then pour into a glass bottle or jug, store in a cool dark place and use syrup as soon as you start to feel unwell and sore throat. For treatment it is necessary to take three tablespoons a day, and for the general maintenance of immunity, 1 tablespoon a day is enough.
