Diet For Heart Failure

Diet For Heart Failure
Diet For Heart Failure

Heart failure occurs when the heart does not pump blood efficiently and thus does not supply enough oxygen to the body. Many diseases lead to heart failure, including high blood pressure and heart and kidney disease. Therefore, you can significantly ease the work of your heart if you make some changes in your diet.

Reduce salt (sodium) intake. Sodium is an important component in the diet of people with heart failure. High salt intake can lead to fluid retention and often swelling. Fluid buildup causes more stress on the heart and can lead to shortness of breath. Salty foods and fluid retention cause many problems in the body and obesity. Yes, the body requires sodium intake, but in very small amounts, so try to limit salt intake to 2 grams per day.

The liquids. In advanced cases of heart failure, your doctor may advise you to reduce your fluid intake in order to reduce the stress they cause to the heart. You may also be prescribed medicines to drain your body.

Cholesterol. High blood cholesterol levels have been linked to coronary heart disease, a leading cause of heart failure. A diet rich in saturated fat leads to high levels of bad cholesterol and if you are at risk for coronary heart disease, you should reduce your intake of these fats. Limit consumption of red meat, egg yolk, dairy and animal products.

Potassium and magnesium. They are important minerals in your diet and if you are prescribed diuretics to get rid of excess fluid, your body is often deprived of these nutrients. To do this, eat foods rich in potassium and magnesium such as bananas, melons, prunes, potatoes, soy, brown rice, spinach, nuts, tofu and wheat germ.

Stay away from hidden salt. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid canned foods and processed foods they are high in salt. Cheese, dried meat, ready-made bouillon cubes, fast food and frozen foods almost always contain sodium without exception.
