Foods With A Tightening Effect

Foods With A Tightening Effect
Foods With A Tightening Effect

During the summer days, many people suffer from stomach upset. With diarrhea it is very important what we eat. In order to easily deal with diarrhea, we must follow a diet for an upset stomach.

Someone foods have a tightening effect and are recommended for consumption in diarrhea.

We need to eat smaller amounts of food, but more often. Choose from this one list of foods with a tightening effect and soon everything in your stomach your digestion will fall into place.


Bananas are a tightening food
Bananas are a tightening food

Bananas are one of the few fruits that have a tightening effect. Bananas are also an easily digestible food, they are rich in potassium. The potassium content of bananas is very useful because diarrhea loses electrolytes. Thanks to the consumption of bananas we can easily replace this loss.


In case of diarrhea, it is good to consume pure and natural yogurt. Consumption of dairy products is not recommended for stomach disorders, but yogurt is an exception. Yogurt is a very important probiotic. It helps the proper functioning of the intestines and intestinal balance.

Potatoes and rice

Boiled potatoes for tightening
Boiled potatoes for tightening

Photo: Iliana Parvanova

They have a burning effect. With diarrhea, it is good to eat potatoes and rice clean, without adding oil or milk to them. They contain a lot of starch and are easily digestible.


Chicken meat contains many useful nutrients that the body needs, especially in diarrhea. It is also an easily digestible food. In case of diarrhea, it is recommended to eat boiled chicken.


Apples are an astringent food
Apples are an astringent food

Their consumption is also recommended for diarrhea. They can be consumed raw, in the form of puree or porridge, juice. They are rich in pectin. It improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. They also contain vitamin C, vitamin B, iron, potassium.


In diarrhea, the first thing that is recommended is to eats toast. It can be eaten with a little cheese. It satisfies a lot, but also improves the electrolyte balance in the body and supplies it with energy. Old bread is more suitable for toasting.

Ordinary biscuits

Bananas and plain biscuits tighten
Bananas and plain biscuits tighten

Biscuits must be with processed wheat, not with whole grains. Ordinary biscuits contain a small amount of sodium. It helps to restore the body's electrolyte balance.
