Five Vegetables With Exceptional Nutritional Qualities

Five Vegetables With Exceptional Nutritional Qualities
Five Vegetables With Exceptional Nutritional Qualities

Vegetables are extremely rich in fiber and are very useful. If they are steamed and garnished with olive oil, they are the perfect diet for weight loss and a slim line. Nutritionists recommend five varieties of vegetables rich in fiber.

Therefore, the following should be consumed:

Spinach is a real bomb of antioxidants. One hundred grams of spinach contains four milligrams of beta-carotene, which is the recommended daily dose. Important antioxidants in spinach are vitamins C and E, selenium and zinc, potassium, linoleic acid, which are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. But to take advantage of all these important ingredients, spinach must be consumed raw.

Green beans are extremely rich in minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, fluorine. Beta carotene and vitamins C, E and B6 are abundant. Due to the high content of fiber, glycidyl and protein, it leads to faster saturation than other foods. In order to preserve the integrity of all vitamins and minerals, the cooking process must be short.

Zucchini is a perfect diuretic because it is extremely rich in water and potassium. They also promote the removal of toxins from the body. An important source of vitamin B9, which is involved in the synthesis of proteins and iron. And because they contain easily soluble dietary fiber, they are also easy to absorb. They should not be stored for more than 48 hours in the refrigerator, because they lose valuable properties.

Five vegetables with exceptional nutritional qualities
Five vegetables with exceptional nutritional qualities

Broccoli is a vitamin bomb. They contain a large amount of vitamin C, are a source of vitamin E and antioxidants. They have a lot of sulfur, which protects against infections, calcium, which strengthens bones, and iron and potassium. The feeling of satiety is achieved thanks to a balanced content of glycidyl and protein. To fully preserve vitamin C, broccoli should be stewed. And should not be stored for a long time in the refrigerator.

Eggplant contains soluble pectin, which prevents the absorption of fat. They also have potassium, which regulates the level of water in the cells, magnesium - necessary for mental balance and iron, which relieves fatigue. Eggplant is an extremely easy food to digest.
