How To Cut Cabbage Properly?

How To Cut Cabbage Properly?
How To Cut Cabbage Properly?

Cabbage is one of the easiest vegetables to grow. It is rich in various vitamins (A, B, C and E), fiber, iron, which makes it extremely useful. Cabbage contributes to good health of the digestive system, reducing weight and stress, maintaining healthy skin and eyes, increasing immune protection and improving metabolism.

One of the fastest to prepare and delicious ways we can we consume cabbage, is in the salad. Very often, however, people refuse to make cabbage salad for the simple reason that they do not know how to cut the cabbage correctly, and we all know how important good and proper cutting is for a delicious salad.

And cutting the cabbage it has its subtleties, like everything else. We will start with two generally accepted rules:

1. Vegetables are cut the finer, the denser their tissue;

2. Always work with a sharp knife.

Cutting cabbage
Cutting cabbage

Most people do not pay attention to the type of knife they work with, and simply take one that is at hand. However, choosing the right knife is the basis of proper cutting.

For cabbage it is best to choose a long knife with a sharp and large blade, as cabbage is more voluminous than most vegetables and using a knife with a small blade, you will struggle a lot.

Once you have chosen the knife, prepare a board on which to cut and free up enough space.

Wash the cabbage and remove its upper leaves. First you need to cut the cabbage in half, because at its base is the head that you need to remove. If you start straight to cut the cabbage, without removing the cob, the salad will contain much harder and bitter pieces of the cob.

Cabbage salad
Cabbage salad

Cut the two halves into two more halves. This will not only make it easier to remove the cob, but also make you more comfortable to work with.

Cut the hard part of the cabbage (cob) at an angle to avoid its unpleasant and bitter taste.

Once you have removed the cob, keep the cabbage upright and start running the knife along its length. Try chopping the cabbage into small pieces (rule 1). Once you're done cutting, you can lightly mash it with your hand and flavor it, which you're done with.
