Bulgarian Tomatoes Collapsed Due To The Russian Embargo

Bulgarian Tomatoes Collapsed Due To The Russian Embargo
Bulgarian Tomatoes Collapsed Due To The Russian Embargo

The Russian embargo, which was imposed on EU countries, directed the production of Polish tomatoes to the Bulgarian markets, which completely ruined the price of native vegetables.

Tons of tomatoes arrive from Poland, which are sold on Bulgarian markets because they cannot be exported to Russia. Their low price of an average of BGN 1.20 per kilogram wholesale cannot compete with Bulgarian tomatoes, which are more expensive this year due to rains and plant diseases.

The Minister of Agriculture Vasil Grudev told Nova TV that in addition to tomatoes, the Russian embargo will affect many other fresh vegetables and fruits that are Bulgarian-made.

Due to the fact that the import of flat tomatoes makes Bulgarian production more difficult than usual, the Minister of Agriculture promised to seek compensation from the European Union in connection with the losses from the imposed Russian embargo.

This year, Polish production flooded the vegetable market and its low price collapsed domestic production.

field tomatoes
field tomatoes

In order for the Bulgarian tomato to still be sold, its price has dropped to an average of 80-90 stotinki per kilogram wholesale. Native farmers say these are extremely low levels given the harsh climatic conditions under which tomatoes were grown this year.

The Polish tomato will be saved this year on the Bulgarian markets, but this cannot happen with the Bulgarian production, because in Poland it will become even more expensive and will not be bought.

A meeting of European agriculture ministers will take place in Brussels in September. Then the measures that should be imposed in connection with the imposed Russian embargo will be discussed.

The direct damages from the Russian embargo on Bulgarian agriculture are expected to be in the range of 5-10 million euros under already concluded and unrealized contracts.

But the greater danger is the indirect losses, because the domestic market will be flooded with foreign products, so that Bulgarian products will be more difficult to sell.

Vladimir Putin has suspended imports of many goods from the European Union in response to sanctions from Europe and the United States.
