Risotto: Curious Facts And Method Of Preparation

Risotto: Curious Facts And Method Of Preparation
Risotto: Curious Facts And Method Of Preparation

Although pasta is extremely popular in Italy, risotto does not fall below and also occupies an important part in Italian cuisine. Rice is the basis of risotto. The other products that are added are wine, broth, butter and Parmesan.

From there, the dish allows for many improvisations, and in practice you can use the aromas and flavors of all products from land and sea - vegetables, seafood, fish, poultry, meat, game, trifles, sausages, cheese, aromatic herbs, mushrooms, spices and fruits, seaweed.

The most famous type of risotto is undoubtedly the Milanese risotto. One story claims that the original Milanese risotto was first prepared in 1574 by a talented student of Master Valerio of Florence, a painter who created the stained glass windows of the majestic Milan Cathedral.

Risotto: Curious facts and method of preparation
Risotto: Curious facts and method of preparation

The boy fell in love with the daughter of Master Valerio, asked her for a wife and because he was a passionate cook, for the wedding he decided to surprise his beloved and all the guests with a simple and inventive dish. He decorated the dish in all colors of yellow and its beauty and taste won all the applause of the celebration.

Apart from rice and saffron, the other ingredients of this dish were butter, Parma cheese, beef marrow and local sausage made with beef, pork marrow and chicken trifles.

Today's risotto a la Milanese is made with onions, rice, dry white wine, meat broth, butter, beef marrow, parmigiano and saffron. The Italians define risotto as minestraasci-uta, ie dry soup, which, although it sounds strange, simply means that the result should be creamy, not watery and can be eaten with a fork. If you want to achieve the perfect risotto, you must have some experience.

After a few initial attempts, the various steps and principles for its preparation become an easy and enjoyable culinary activity, and the resulting dish delights everyone. In Italy, they want to be le gato, ie bound together, which is easily achieved by using rice, which slowly releases starch during cooking.

Risotto: Curious facts and method of preparation
Risotto: Curious facts and method of preparation

If the rice is slightly starchy or if it is cooked too fast or over too high a heat, the rice grains will separate and will not form a creamy shape. And in case the rice contains too much starch or the heat treatment is too slow, it will probably become more sticky than the Italian ideal.

According to the Italians, a risotto should be mantecato - that is, in a creamy consistency. In principle, risotto can be prepared with any type of rice, but not all varieties are suitable.

According to the Italians, the perfect rice for risotto is a Japanese variety - with round, medium-sized grains, starchy, but not too much, rather matte white, not too glassy.
