Study: Garlic Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Study: Garlic Reduces The Risk Of Cancer
Study: Garlic Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Chinese experts have conducted a new study related to the insidious disease of cancer and aromatic garlic. According to the results of the study, which were published in the Daily Mail, garlic can significantly reduce the risk of lung cancer - by more than 44%. We only need to eat it at least twice a week.

Smokers also have a significantly reduced risk of cancer - by about 30 percent. Scary disease statistics show that the majority of people who have been diagnosed with lung cancer die from the disease. Statistics show that less than one person in 10 lives more than five years after being diagnosed.

During the study, a comparison was made by staff at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention between 4,500 healthy people and 1,424 patients diagnosed with lung cancer.

Sterilized garlic
Sterilized garlic

According to Chinese experts, there is an absolutely proven positive effect of fresh garlic on the lungs.

However, scientists do not commit to a position on whether the result will be the same after the vegetables undergo some heat treatment.

It has been known from previous similar research on garlic that the ingredient that makes it such a special vegetable is allicin - it is released after the garlic is cut or crushed.

Useful vegetables
Useful vegetables

It has also been shown that this ingredient reduces the degree of free radical damage and is extremely helpful in inflammation, acting as an antioxidant.

This is the reason why garlic is an almost obligatory meal during the winter months - it is an excellent remedy against colds, various hospital superbugs, according to experts even against malaria. A new study by the Chinese proves that it can also help with lung cancer.

In fact, this highly fragrant vegetable has been the subject of serious research by many scientists around the world, and this is not the only study showing that garlic can fight cancer cells.

Some time ago, a study conducted at a university in South Australia showed that eating it will reduce the risk of bowel cancer by almost a third.
