Brazil Nut Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Brazil Nut Reduces The Risk Of Cancer
Brazil Nut Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Brazil nut contains the largest amount of selenium of all nuts - it strengthens the immune system, helps with atherosclerosis, early menopause and male infertility.

Brazil nuts also contain fiber, as well as protein - when eating the nut, the body is satiated faster and thus we can reduce unwanted weight.

Brazil nuts are also rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The beneficial ingredients in the nut keep cholesterol levels low, which in turn reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke. The nut is also suitable for consumption by people who are zinc deficient.

Selenium, which is contained in the nut, is an extremely important antioxidant - it protects the body from the harmful effects and damage caused by free radicals. Brazil nut has anticancer properties that can successfully prevent the development of malignant tumors.

Proper consumption of this type of nut can reduce the risk of diseases such as lung cancer, colon cancer, breast or skin cancer.


Various studies of Brazil nuts indicate that this nut is extremely suitable for consumption by people suffering from prostate cancer. The nut can also help during chemotherapy and radiation therapy, according to studies.

Numerous studies have been conducted that try to prove that selenium can help with many other diseases - these are Alzheimer's disease, cataracts, arthritis and others.

High levels of selenium, however, can have the opposite effect - when it accumulates in the body, you may feel tired, upset stomach. According to some sources, it is enough to eat up to three or four Brazil nuts a day, so as not to burden your body with excess selenium.

Other useful elements contained in walnuts are potassium and calcium, vitamin E, magnesium. It is believed that this type of nuts can also be useful for people who have thyroid problems.
