Goritsvet: The Magic Herb Against Tachycardia

Goritsvet: The Magic Herb Against Tachycardia
Goritsvet: The Magic Herb Against Tachycardia

Mustard is an herb with beautiful flowers, which is very useful as long as you know how to use it. Mustard has a heart-strengthening, calming nervous system and diuretic effect.

Like the leaves of the red and woolly foxglove, mustard enhances heart rate. Mustard has a beneficial effect on the manifestations of heart failure such as edema, shortness of breath and cyanosis.

Increases the amount of urine and calms the nervous system. You can use it for chronic heart failure, heart rhythm disorders, cardiac neurosis and epilepsy.

Healers of folk medicine recommend drinking a decoction of mustard for atherosclerosis, pain and swelling of the stomach and intestines. The mustard is collected at the beginning of flowering until the formation of the first fruits.

The above-ground part of the plant is used. There is a summer mustard, which has a larger stem size and smaller petals, you should not mix it because it contains a much smaller amount of cardiac glycosides. The useful mustard contains more than 15 heart-acting glycosides, which are chemically close to those contained in lily of the valley.

heart problems
heart problems

These glycosides are divided into soluble and insoluble in water. The useful infusion of mustard is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of finely chopped drug is poured with 300 ml of boiling water and left to soak for at least 2 hours. Strain and drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

When you decide to use mustard, you should consult a doctor, because it is a poisonous plant. It is a perennial herbaceous plant reaching 40 cm with densely leafy stems that are covered with hairs, slightly branched. The mustard has large golden yellows, located singly at the top of the stems and their branches.

The fruit is oval composed of many gray-green fruits. Its flowering is in May and April, it is located on dry meadows and pastures, but you can also find it on rocky areas.
