Nutrition Of Children With Allergies

Nutrition Of Children With Allergies
Nutrition Of Children With Allergies

Food allergies in children most often occur up to three years of age. The most common allergic reactions are associated with cow's milk, egg white, peanuts, nuts and in particular peanuts and cashews, fish, crustaceans, soy, wheat, strawberries, citrus and others.

The allergic reaction occurs within 48 hours after eating. It is expressed in redness, itching, rash, diarrhea, runny nose, sneezing, cough, shortness of breath.

Food intolerance also includes cases of congenital and acquired enzyme deficiencies such as lactase deficiency - a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, which is responsible for the proper breakdown of milk sugar.

There are also so-called cross-allergies in children - for example, an allergy to cow's milk protein and soy protein at the same time; to peanuts and soy; cereals and pollen; tomatoes and peas; simultaneously to celery, carrots, melon, bananas, apples, tomatoes, peaches and apricots or to kiwi, melon, spinach, bananas.

In children who are allergic to cow's milk protein, the content of any amount of milk and dairy products should not be allowed in the food. Soups should be unbuilt, dairy desserts should be replaced with pickles, compotes or prepared with water or nectar as a substitute for milk.

Milk allergy
Milk allergy

And if the child is taking diet milk, at your request you could add a few teaspoons of it to his dessert.

Beef, which carries proteins similar to those in cow's milk, is being replaced by chicken, rabbit and pork. It is preferable to use fresh meat, because in the process of freezing it accumulates substances that can more easily cause an allergic reaction.

Food allergies in most children are overcome with age. Depending on the individual tolerance of each child after the age of one and a half to two years or two and a half years may begin to gradually include dairy products in the order of cheese, yogurt, then fresh milk, vegetables, fruits, cereals.

In case of predisposition or already developed allergy, gradually introduce only one product within a week or two. Then gradually increase the number and quantity of products, but watch the child carefully, because some expressions of allergic reactions in children are not so pronounced. If symptoms occur, wait a few more months with the inclusion of the respective product, keeping in mind the products that give cross-allergies.

In case of allergy, it is good for the parents to keep a food diary of the child, in which to note the date of introduction of each new food, its quantity, type, time, and if there is an allergic reaction - the time of appearance and exact description.

When certain risky foods can be introduced into children's diets:

Peaches and apricots
Peaches and apricots

Peaches and kiwis 12 months

Strawberries and raspberries 18 - 24 months

Yogurt After 12 months

Beef After 12 months

Fresh milk After 14 months

Cottage cheese After 14 months

Eggs After 14 months

Honey After 24 months

Fish After 18 - 24 months

Beans After 24 months

Herbal tea After 18 months

Chocolate, cocoa After 36 months

Peanuts After 36 months

On the day of introduction of a new product, large quantities of the same product should not be included, it should not be repeated more than once a week and strong spices should be avoided.

With sufficient heat treatment, most allergens are inactivated.
