How To Reduce Food Waste

How To Reduce Food Waste
How To Reduce Food Waste

The solution to the problem stemming from too much of food wastethat we throw away is extremely important not only for ourselves, because we will not waste money (generally speaking), but it will greatly affect the protection of our planet.

Here are some tips and recommendations given to us not by anyone else, but by the European Commission itself, after having dealt in detail and discussed the problem with excess food waste.

1. Shop only with a pre-made list

Yes, it often happens that we are attracted by the various promotions offered by grocery stores and we literally overcrowd our refrigerator with products that, although "cheap", then go to waste because we have not had time to use them.

2. Check the expiration date of the product at purchase

It will be extremely foolish, even extravagant on your part, if you decide to invite guests this coming weekend, to buy the necessary products related to the "tidying up" of the festive table at the beginning of the week. Until it's time to welcome guests, they will most likely be unusable and you will just have to throw them away.

How to reduce food waste
How to reduce food waste

3. Follow the food storage instructions

Always follow the food storage instructions given by the manufacturer of the goods you have purchased. Some foods require storage in the freezer, others in the refrigerator, and still others at room temperature. Read the instructions given to you by the manufacturer carefully so that you can really use them.

4. Enter order in your refrigerator

Put the goods with a longer shelf life in its bottom. When you place products that have a shorter shelf life in the front row of your refrigerator or kitchen cabinets, they will remind you that you should use them, even if you have forgotten about their availability.

5. Use what you have "paper" from the previous meal

Food waste
Food waste

If your mother-in-law has made it very clear to you that her "boy" can't eat the same food twice or re-educate "your grown boy", or trust her and cook enough food that would be enough just for 1 meal. There is another option - be creative and even if you have food left over from one meal, transform it into another. For example, you can turn cooked the night before for bean soup into a great bean salad for tomorrow.

6. Freeze excess products

Yes, not everything can be frozen, but most vegetables and meats that you find redundant for now, you can safely leave to "wait their turn" in the freezer.
