Australians Get Fat The Fastest

Australians Get Fat The Fastest
Australians Get Fat The Fastest

An alarming trend has alarmed Australians. According to recent studies, young people between the ages of 25 and 34 are prone to obesity.

Young Australians have shattered their reputation as sporty. The latest study gathered 11,000 volunteers, whose final figures after 12 years of observation were quite alarming.

Representatives of the age group 25-34 years have gained an average of 6.5 kg. per person, unlike the other participants, who gained an average of 2.6 kg. per person.

Fat Belly
Fat Belly

According to government statistics, the number of obese Australians has risen in the last 4 years. An Australian gains about 3.9 kg every four years and an Australian 4.1 kg.

Eating Burgers
Eating Burgers

Published results show that 63% of the adult population is overweight. Anxiety obesity is also seen in a quarter of children under the age of 4.

It was found that 16% of Australians are heavy smokers, 13% work under stress and 21% of respondents have high blood pressure.

The head of the study - Jonathan Shaw, warns that if no immediate action is taken, this trend will become the rule, and this will lead to an increase in diabetics and people with heart problems.

According to the data, the activity of Australians has fallen sharply. A few years ago, they spent an average of 200 minutes sitting, and according to the latest information, the minutes during which they do not move are 500. The number of people in depression has also increased.

A spokeswoman for the Australian government has promised to initiate physical activity and healthy eating programs to stabilize the rate of obesity.

This year's ranking of the most obese nations for another year was topped by Americans. The Mexicans are close to their results.

According to a UN report, 70% of the Mexican population is overweight. Every year, 400,000 new diabetics and 70,000 obesity-related deaths are registered in the country.
