Get Fat On A Wine Diet

Get Fat On A Wine Diet
Get Fat On A Wine Diet

All diets completely exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages. But recently, Australian scientists tested a new diet with red wine.

To everyone's surprise, it proved to be extremely effective. The new diet not only does not prohibit alcohol intake, but encourages its use.

Of course, don't think that you have to drink wine in industrial quantities. On the contrary - moderate intake of red wine is allowed.

If you adhere strictly to the diet within 5 days you can lose up to 5 pounds.

As it is short-lived, the wine diet imposes some strict restrictions: the consumption of carbohydrates, salt, tea, coffee and juices is prohibited. The diet is the same for all days.

Here is what your menu should be during the wine diet:

Breakfast: one tomato, one hard-boiled egg

Second breakfast: the interval between the first and second breakfast should be 2 hours. Eat an apple, better be green.

Lunch: 200 grams of nonfat cottage cheese and fresh cucumber.

Dinner: a glass of red wine (150-250 ml). Dinner must be 3 hours after lunch.

The main advantage of the wine diet is the ability to lose 5 pounds quickly in a short period of time. Although some of the weight is lost due to the discharge of fluids from the body (mainly on the first day of the regimen).

The wine diet can be followed during the holidays, unlike other diets, which completely exclude the use of alcohol.

It is suitable for winter consumption because the grape drink has an anti-inflammatory, warming and immunostimulating effect. The other plus is a consequence of the refusal to take salt - metabolism is normalized, the body is released from toxins and toxins. In addition, in small doses, wine has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

However, the wine diet has one drawback. It is characterized by low total calories in combination with alcohol (even in small doses), which can adversely affect overall health.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting the regimen.
