Quince As A Folk Remedy

Quince As A Folk Remedy
Quince As A Folk Remedy

For quince the people say that nothing is thrown away from it. Indeed, this useful fruit, a guest from Southeast Asia in our gardens, is characterized by the fact that all its parts are medicinal - fruits, leaves, seeds. Quince has long been used in folk medicine to relieve coughs in respiratory infections and stomach aches.

The possibilities of the fruit as a remedy are due to the fact that it is a real vitamin bomb in the cold autumn days. The quince contains of the main vitamins is high - C, B vitamins - B1 B2, niacin, carotenoids. It also contains other useful substances in excellent quantities, and among them are calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, copper, sodium, zinc, iron, potassium.

The astringent quince also contains proteins, fiber and carbohydrates, and calories and fats are low and this makes it suitable for inclusion in a diet.

Quince seeds are rich in essential oils, as well as valuable amygdalin, which has anti-cancer effects. Tannins, pectin, malic acid, slow sugars are other valuable benefits that the body receives from quinces. The tannins and mucus of quince are a means of regulating the functions of the small intestine and this protects the vulnerable digestive system from infections.

Quince jam
Quince jam

Quince is used as a medicine in all possible variants - roasted, boiled, tea, syrup, conditioner, lotion, pestle. All these products obtained from different parts of quince have proven healing properties, known for a long time.

In the fruit of quince is very valuable pectin, which lowers blood pressure and protects against radiation.

Quince juice successfully treats coughs for colds, successfully soothes asthma attacks and is a good remedy for diarrhea.

During the cold season, colds become more frequent and then roasted or boiled quince comes to the aid of treating a sore throat, as well as clearing the airways. It also serves as a hemostatic agent during an intensified menstrual cycle.

Roasted quince is also recommended for anemia.

From quince seeds brew tea, which is recommended for sleep problems, tension or bad breath. Wounds from burns or mechanical injury can also be healed successfully with the help of quince seeds.

Quince tea can also be brewed from the leaves to deal with diarrhea.

For cold problems such as cough, inflammation of the airways, throat, hoarseness and loss of voice, tea from the fruit itself is recommended.

Quince syrup is suitable for digestive problems, but is contraindicated for diabetics due to its high sugar content.

Quince tea
Quince tea

The quince pestle, in addition to being a favorite delicacy, also serves medicinal purposes. It is a source of energy for the body and improves digestion. It is also not recommended for people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

Medicines are also made from quinces for external use. In case of slight burning or injury from the seeds of the fruit, a balm is prepared to treat the area.

For chapped lips ointment is also made from quince seedswhich has a calming and emollient effect. It can also be used to treat light wrinkles. A lotion of grated quince bark is also used for wrinkles.

And for maximum pleasure of the senses, be sure to try one of our quince cakes or choose one of these super delicious quince desserts.
