Miraculous Home Remedy For Bronchitis - It Really Helps

Miraculous Home Remedy For Bronchitis - It Really Helps
Miraculous Home Remedy For Bronchitis - It Really Helps

In the fight against viral and cold diseases in the winter is very effective is a well-known spice in every kitchen - it is bay leaf.

It's about the leaves of the laurel treewhich are very rich in nutrients. Apart from being used for culinary purposes, bay leaf has many health benefits that are successfully used for medicinal purposes.

The detox effect of bay leaves on the body, the beneficial effect on wound healing, the protection it provides in bacterial infections, the relief of respiratory problems and many other benefits due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition are very impressive.

IN bay leaves are contained vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid, B vitamins, supporting the synthesis of enzymes, nervous system and metabolism.

Separately, the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc, iron, selenium control the heart, blood pressure, the formation of red blood cells.

With all these ingredients bay leaf is a very good choice for cure for viral and respiratory infections - mostly because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action.

With bay leaf syrup successfully:

Remedy for bronchitis with bay leaf
Remedy for bronchitis with bay leaf

- clear the airways;

- relieves cough;

- sore throat soothes.

Bay leaf syrup can be prepared at home and stored easily but for a short time.

Ingredients for medicinal bay leaf syrup

Everything you need for cooking is easily accessible. These are fresh or dried bay leaves, respectively 6 or 8 in number (if dried), a quarter liter of water, 6 tablespoons of brown sugar or honey and the juice of 1 lemon.

A cure for bronchitis
A cure for bronchitis

Preparation of bay leaf syrup

The process also does not require special skills. The water is brought to a boil and put in it bay leaves for 10 minutes. Strain the water, add brown sugar (honey) and lemon juice and mix well.

Storage is in a glass bottle or jar in the refrigerator, but not more than a few days. Therefore, large quantities should not be prepared.

Use of bay leaf syrup for bronchitis

Take a maximum of 3 teaspoons per day until relief occurs.
