Effective Recipes With Cabbage That Will Save You From Serious Diseases

Effective Recipes With Cabbage That Will Save You From Serious Diseases
Effective Recipes With Cabbage That Will Save You From Serious Diseases

Our cabbage is always at hand. From time immemorial it has been used both for food and as medicine. Suffice it to say that French doctors advise to treat with cabbage 75 major and 30 comorbidities, even some forms of cancer.

Treats stomach, liver, jaundice, spleen, upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, headache, atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity. Cabbage leaves, boiled in milk, mixed with bran, are used for burns and purulent wounds.

Raw cabbage leaves are attached to the joints in gout, arthritis, polyarthritis - it does not completely cure them, but soothes the pain.


In a glass of warm cabbage juice add 2 tbsp. sugar and stir. Take ¼ cup 4 times a day, about 15-20 minutes before meals. It is also useful to eat raisins or dried apricots. The course of treatment is 10 days, after which you rest for 20 days and repeat the course for 10 days - this is especially suitable for patients with high blood pressure. The juice is always drunk in warm form.

Giardiasis (giardiasis)

Effective recipes with cabbage that will save you from serious diseases
Effective recipes with cabbage that will save you from serious diseases

Drink in the morning on an empty stomach half a glass of cabbage juice, the usual course is 40 days.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Drink 3 times a day half a glass of warm cabbage juice with honey.

Liver cirrhosis

Drink half a glass of freshly squeezed juice every day, 3 times a day before meals.

Pyelonephritis (chronic)

Take half a glass of warm cabbage juice 4 times a day, just before meals, for 2 weeks. Take a break of 2 weeks and repeat the course of treatment.

Umbilical hernia

Place gauze on the umbilical hernia soaked in sauerkraut juice and potato peel 2 cm thick. With regular use, the hernia will disappear in 1 month.

Effective recipes with cabbage that will save you from serious diseases
Effective recipes with cabbage that will save you from serious diseases

Sobering up

Squeeze 1-2 glasses of fresh cabbage juice and boil it with sugar to taste. Drink a ¼ or ½ glass until the person is sober.


The headache has general and non-specific symptoms, the cause of which is often unknown, and the treatment is very complicated. Traditional medicine offers analgesics for him, but their frequent use leads to stomach disorders and pain, so it is not necessary to abuse them. Folk medicine offers a method of treating headaches with cabbage leaves, which are placed on the head so that they touch the skin, and a warm hat is placed on top.

Cabbage leaves for cough

Surprisingly, the healing properties of cabbage leaves have long been used to treat coughs. For this you need a cabbage leaf, separated from the cob and well pounded with a hammer to make it soft. Apply the sheet to the chest or back as a regular compress.

This procedure is done in the evening for the whole night for a week. You should not refuse the medication - if you use both treatments in parallel, you will get rid of the exhausting cough. The healing properties of cabbage for cough have been tested over time and this method is very effective.
