How To Make The Most Tender And Juicy Chicken?

How To Make The Most Tender And Juicy Chicken?
How To Make The Most Tender And Juicy Chicken?

There is nothing worse than spending hours cooking a roast chicken and eventually drying it. So dry that everyone has to reach for the glasses of water through a bite.

Making tender and juicy chicken is not as easy as it seems. Although the legs and wings are generally fatter, the great difficulty comes from making breasts that have a specific dryness also juicy and appetizing.


1. There are two options for preparing the chicken before cooking. The first is to prepare brine from salt and water and put the chicken in it for a few hours. Salt will make the chicken significantly more tender as it will allow water to be absorbed by the meat.

The other option is to marinate it in butter / olive oil and spices, which also adds juiciness to the chicken. This option is recommended for smaller broilers (or parts of it). The herbs you choose will spice up the dish in a unique way.

2. Do not remove the skin. Whichever of the options for preparing the chicken you choose, it is important that the soaked meat does not dry quickly when roasting. This is helped by the skin, which to some extent retains its moisture and juiciness. If you are not a fan of the skin - remove it, but only after removing the chicken from the oven.

How to make the most tender and juicy chicken?
How to make the most tender and juicy chicken?

3. An important part of roasting is how you turn the chicken. Under no circumstances should you stab the broiler with a fork or knife during roasting, as this will allow the marinade and absorbed moisture to evaporate quickly. Turn it over using flat utensils.

4. The other option for baking is to cover it with foil. This is a French technique of stewing meat under foil or parchment paper. The method is suitable for roasting smaller parts of the chicken and is not very convenient for a whole broiler.

Before placing the pieces of meat in the foil, taste them well. Then you need to pack them well so that there are no gaps. Bake at 230 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Whole chicken can also be baked under foil, which must be removed 20 minutes before removing from the oven.

5. After removing the chicken, the master chefs recommend leaving it "upside down" for about 15 minutes - the breasts resting on the plateau. In this way, the juices will go to the breasts and make them extra juicy and delicious.
