What Diseases Are Treated With The Miraculous Wild Wormwood?

What Diseases Are Treated With The Miraculous Wild Wormwood?
What Diseases Are Treated With The Miraculous Wild Wormwood?

Wild wormwood, also known as black wormwood, can be found in different parts of Bulgaria, but it is difficult to be different among the bushes in which it likes to grow. It grows mainly along roads, stony and grassy places throughout our country.

Although it has a rather unsightly appearance, wild wormwood is a valuable herb that is good to learn to recognize and which is good to get, because it has been used for centuries to treat colds, fever, rheumatism and other diseases. In addition, it has a diuretic and disinfectant effect, it is used in women to regulate the menstrual cycle.

It is also used to induce appetite in people suffering from loss of such. However, it is important to mention the fact that wild wormwood should not be overdosed, as it also contains some poisonous substances.

If we managed to intrigue you and at the same time you managed to get this herb, here is what you can prepare from it, depending on whether it is fresh or dried:

Wild wormwood compress for rheumatism, gout, tired legs and sore muscles

Necessary products: 50 g of wild wormwood leaves, 50 g of chamomile, 50 g of whip, 500 ml of water.

black wormwood
black wormwood

Method of preparation: All herbs are scalded with boiling water and left to stand for about 1 hour. From this decoction compresses are made, which are applied to the affected areas.

Wild wormwood liqueur

Ingredients: 1 bottle of cognac, 2 1/2 tsp fresh leaves of wild wormwood, 5 tbsp sugar, peel of 2 oranges, 1 tsp lemon juice.

Method of preparation: The leaves of wild wormwood are washed thoroughly and poured with cognac. If you have twigs, you can use them as well. The dish is left to stand covered in the dark for 7-8 days. Separately, sugar syrup is made, in which the chopped orange peels and lemon juice are put. When the sugar has melted, leave to cool and mix with the cognac. The liqueur is poured into bottles, they are tightly closed and stored in a cool place for 2 months so that the liqueur can mature.

Decoction of wild wormwood for anorexia

Necessary products: 1 tablespoon dry wild wormwood, 300 ml of water.

Method of preparation: Pour boiling water over the herb and leave it soaked for 30 minutes. Then strain and take 4 servings a day.
