Englishmen And Descendants Of Vikings Argue Over Whose Lasagna It Is

Englishmen And Descendants Of Vikings Argue Over Whose Lasagna It Is
Englishmen And Descendants Of Vikings Argue Over Whose Lasagna It Is

Lasagna, which is a favorite dish of the animated glutton - the cat Garfield, in its modern form is a few layers of dried and then boiled or baked dough, which alternates with different types of fillings.

However, this is not the original appearance of this Italian temptation. Lasagna was originally a flat round loaf of wheat flour.

It was invented by the Greeks and was called laganon. Later, the Romans, who adopted the Greek way of baking bread, began to cut it into strips and call it lagani.

To this day, in some areas of Italy, such as Calabria, the broad flat pasta, known worldwide as tagliatelle, is known as lagana. And although today everyone thinks that lasagna is an Italian dish, its pedigree is disputed by the English and even the Scandinavian peoples.

The version of its English origin is based on the fact that a dish known as loseyns (pronounced "lazan") existed in the palace of King Richard II in the fourteenth century.


The British claim that the original recipe for lasagna can be found in one of the oldest English cookbooks - "Forme of Cury", which is stored in the British Museum.

In the Scandinavian countries, the story is widespread about the Vikings, who bequeathed to modern Scandinavians the dish langkake, which is really very similar to lasagna.

It consists of thin pasta cakes that alternate with meat sauce and yellow cheese. The first documented Italian lasagna recipe was found in an anonymous fourteenth-century manuscript found during excavations on the outskirts of Naples.

This manuscript was named "Liber de coquina" - a cookbook. According to the recipe, lasagna in the Middle Ages was prepared as follows: sheets of dough were boiled in boiling water, followed by alternating boiled dough and ground spices with grated yellow cheese.

According to experts, the amendments at the time meant salt, sugar, pepper and a combination of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and saffron.
