Whose Seeds

Whose Seeds
Whose Seeds

The seeds of Chia seed/ chia are among the most popular so-called. super food. Although they have gained popularity in recent years, the seeds of which have been known since ancient times. They are a member of the Salvia Hispanica family. The small white and black seeds were among the staple foods of the Maya, Incas, and Aztecs, as well as a number of other tribes in the lands of Southwest America.

According to the Mayan language, the word "chia" means "strength." This ancient culture used the seeds as a very powerful energy food. The ambassadors and messengers of the tribes always carried a small bag of these seeds with them. Chia is also called "Indian running food" because of the great energy it charges the body. In the past, people have noticed that the seeds of Chia seed charge the body with energy and increase endurance.

The locals in Mexico claim that just one teaspoon of the seeds is enough to charge us with energy for 24 hours. Climate and growing conditions largely determine the nutritional qualities of seeds from Chia seed. Nowadays, the main producers of miracle seeds are Mexico, South and Central America.

Composition of whose seeds

The seeds of Chia seed are an incredible source of protein that supplies the body with easily digestible amino acids. They are the richest source of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids and the extremely valuable linolenic acid, which the body cannot synthesize on its own.


Chia seeds contain five times more calcium than milk and three times more iron than spinach, twice as many antioxidants as blueberries, twice as much potassium than bananas. They contain the mineral boron, large amounts of phosphorus, zinc and manganese.

100 g of seeds of which contain 486 calories, 30 g of fat, 0 g of sugars, 16.5 g of protein, 34 g of fiber, 0 mg of cholesterol.

Selection and storage of chia seeds

In Bulgaria, these unique seeds are available only in organic stores. The packaging must bear information on the suitability and the manufacturer. The seeds of which should be stored in dark and dry places to which there is no access to sunlight and moisture. When opening the package, if you smell mold or a strange odor, this is a sure sign of unfitness.

Chia seeds in cooking

The seeds of which have a very slight taste of nuts, which is why they are quite suitable for adding to salads, pasta, various dishes, drinks. They hardly change the taste of the dishes to which they are added, but with their swelling they rather change their consistency. In this way they prolong the feeling of satiety.

With whose seeds vitamin juices and shakes can be enriched, which subsequently acquire greater density. Chia seeds can also be consumed in the form of raw sprouts, which are fit for consumption within four days.

One of the best ways to consume Chia seed is to take 2 tablespoons every day. soaked or ground. Always before cooking with Chia seed soak the seeds, otherwise you may experience unwanted stomach irritation.

Benefits of whose seeds

Whose seeds
Whose seeds

The advantages and benefits of consuming these seeds are numerous, not accidentally called superfoods. The seeds of which charge the body with strength and energy, increase the body's resistance, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is already fully proven that the seeds of Chia seed affect the sugars consumed in the body. When the seeds come into contact with liquids, a gel is formed, which acts as a kind of physical barrier between enzymes and carbohydrates in the digestive system. This process slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar, and energy from food is absorbed regularly, which provides sustainability. It is this intake of sugar that is very beneficial for diabetics.

Due to its strong hygroscopicity, chia seeds, which absorb moisture, prolong the hydration process and preserve electrolytes, especially in times of stress in the body.

The swelling of the seeds on contact with liquids and their passage through the gastrointestinal tract acts like a real broom, which cleans the walls of old accumulated debris. Many people use chia seeds to regulate the urinary system.

The protein contained in seeds that do not contain gluten. This makes the magic seeds an ideal snack for anyone suffering from gluten intolerance.

The seeds of Chia seed help for very fast tissue production due to easy assimilation and very high nutritional value. Help in cases of external and internal injuries. They are useful for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for active athletes.

Among other things, the seeds of which are a favorite food of people on a diet, because with the addition to meals they swell and saturate the stomach more easily, replacing fat and calories. Even if you are not on a diet, by consuming seeds from which you will cut calories in half.
