Ideas For Balkan Pots

Ideas For Balkan Pots
Ideas For Balkan Pots

Casserole is one of the main dishes of our kitchen. If we look at the diet of our neighbors in the Balkans, we will see that this also applies to them. Why is this type of food so permanently settled in more than one national cuisine?

We must first look for the very definition of the term casserole. This word refers to both the clay pot (clay pot) in which the food is prepared and the dish itself.

The food called casserole most often consists of meat and vegetables. The variations are numerous, with preference given to certain vegetable products, and the meat is usually only one, but more and more often a casserole with different types of meat is offered.

It is difficult to answer the question of which is more important in the preparation of this food typical of the region - whether the composition of the products or the ring dish in which they are cooked.

In fact, the products vary greatly in terms of both meat and vegetables. There are also variants of lean casserole. The variation of tastes is really huge and the offers seem to become inexhaustible.

Here are a few ideas for typical Balkan pots.


Buyurdi - Greek casserole
Buyurdi - Greek casserole

This proposal is prepared with typical Greek products, such as feta cheese, olive oil, and the rest are standard ingredients used in every kitchen.

You need: 2 tomatoes, 200 grams of feta cheese, salt, oregano, olive oil, pepper to taste. If desired, hot pepper can be added to make it spicy.

Method of preparation: Tomatoes are cut into medium pieces. Put half in a casserole. Add olive oil and salt to taste. The cheese, which is cut into cubes, is placed on top of the tomatoes. Sprinkle with oregano and a few drops of oil, and on top of the remaining tomatoes. Cover with the lid and the casserole in Balkan style bake for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Tavche player

This is a typical Balkan dish, prepared in its Macedonian version. It can also be called lean beans in a casserole with tomato sauce and spices, most often very spicy.

The beans are soaked from the night before and boiled until ready. The stuffing is made with fresh garlic, onion and bacon. Add salt and diced vegetable broth to taste. Distribute the beans in suitable pots, which have previously been drained of water and mixed with the stuffing. Bake and serve with oil flavored with garlic and paprika.


Turkish casserole

The Turkish casserole offer includes typical for Balkan cuisine vegetables - eggplant - 1 piece, red pepper - 1 piece, tomatoes - 400 grams of okra - 150 grams, zucchini - 3 pieces, red onion - 2 heads, and spices - parsley, paprika, black pepper and olive oil to taste.

The products for this type of Balkan pots are cleaned and cut into cubes, wheels or other convenient shape. Zucchini and eggplant are stewed in a little olive oil until they get a brown tan. Then they are placed in a casserole and mixed with the other products. Finally, sprinkle with spices, without parsley. Bake in the oven for 1 hour. Sprinkle the parsley before serving the vegetable pots.

Learn more about the secret of the perfect casserole and see Bulgarian dishes in casserole!
