The Most Horrible Foods That Are Served In Restaurants

The Most Horrible Foods That Are Served In Restaurants
The Most Horrible Foods That Are Served In Restaurants

Every traveler who likes to visit distant destinations is almost obliged to get to know both the traditions of a country and its cuisine. However, food is often perceived as a kind of mirror of morals in a society.

And the farther the destination, the more extravagant the cuisine. That is why today we will introduce you to several types of dishes that, although considered delicacies in some latitudes, still terrify many tourists.

1. Roast guinea pig

If you think of this animal as a fluffy pet, it is best to cross out Ecuador from the list of dream trips. People who have touched this local specialty say that the taste of the meat resembles duck, and the crispy crust is a real feast for the senses.

2. Tuna eye

This is of course a real delicacy in the Land of the Rising Sun. It is consumed mainly in luxury Japanese restaurants, but if your hosts decide to impress you, this will be the food with which they will do it or at least try it.


3. Blurred duck egg

The dish, called balut, is on the menus of many fast food restaurants in East Asian countries. The delicacy is a boiled duck egg with an embryo of an already formed duck. Many eccentrics who have satiated their hunger with an underdeveloped entanglement believe that it is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs.

4. Pork brain in milk

Although there are many animal entrails in Bulgarian cuisine, this specialty is still too far for our palate. It is available in a can, and the label states that one serving contains 3500 mg of cholesterol, which is equivalent to 1170% of the recommended daily intake.

5. Seal stuffed with seagull

If you are wondering how the northern peoples welcomed the Christmas holidays, the correct answer is kiwi. This terrifying dish enters the traditional cuisine of Greenland and a number of other northern nations. To be ready for consumption, the seagull-stuffed seal must stay in the ice for 7 months.
