The Right Herb For Every Ailment

The Right Herb For Every Ailment
The Right Herb For Every Ailment

Always before you reach for a medicine, think about the fact that there are herbs in nature that can easily and without harming you or without the side effects of medicines.

Nowadays, more and more people are discovering the healing properties of herbs. This article aims to show you which herbs and spices help our body heal.

Basil, mint and yarrow are used to excite the appetite.

To strengthen the body, take yarrow, savory, ginger.

To speed up the excretory processes in the body, yarrow, plantain, oregano and others are recommended.

When we are angry, to calm down, it is recommended to take pine needles, hops, oregano, thyme, linden blossom, St. John's wort, valerian and chamomile.

Herbal tea
Herbal tea

Cumin, yarrow and dill are suitable against gases.

And instead of taking laxatives, which are so often advertised on television, you can drink buckwheat.

If you have high blood pressure, take lavender and geranium.

If you want to cleanse the blood of excess toxins, horsetail and dandelion come to the rescue.

If you want your body to get rid of toxic ones, eat nettles and drink lemon juice.
