How To Melt Express For 20 Days

How To Melt Express For 20 Days
How To Melt Express For 20 Days

A real mania has taken over Hollywood on a new diet. Its author is a not so well-known assistant director. She recommended her to a young actress with a minor role in the latest sequel to "Pirates of the Caribbean."

The regimen had a lightning effect and so the diet became an absolute hit.

The weight loss diet is based on a separate diet. In addition to losing weight, you will also achieve purification of the body.

Under no circumstances should you follow this diet if you have recently been ill. It is also not recommended for people who play active sports.

The author of the regime claims that if you strictly follow the full cycle of the diet of 3 weeks, you will lose between 5 and 9 kg. Take the course for two consecutive weeks, then rest for a week.

During this time, avoid fatty meats and sweet, salty and chocolate. Do not eat waffles, pickles and similar packaged foods. Eat fruit if you feel like eating jam or vegetables if you feel like eating salty.

You can afford a few salty or plain biscuits. During the week of rest, make sure that each of your menus does not exceed 500 calories. After one week of rest, follow the diet for another 7 days.

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Monday: all fruits except banana.

Tuesday: any vegetables, you can season them with soy sauce, vinegar or mustard.

Wednesday: All fruits and vegetables you want, except bananas.

Thursday: 5 bananas with 3 cups of fresh low-fat milk.

Distribute a glass of milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can drink fruit milk, but it should not contain sugar, but a substitute.

If you do not like fresh milk, you can replace it with kefir. Eat three bananas at lunch and one at breakfast and dinner.

Friday: 80-120 g grilled beef, chicken or fish fillets with fresh vegetables.

Saturday: 80-120 g grams of beef or beef schnitzel, steaks with fresh vegetables.

Sunday: 80-120 g grams of beef or veal schnitzel, steaks with fresh vegetables.
