Is Organic Farming Effective?

Is Organic Farming Effective?
Is Organic Farming Effective?

To understand whether organic farming, which has become popular in recent years, is an effective method of growing fruits and vegetables, we must first understand what it really is.

Organic farming can be defined as a production process that aims to reduce environmental pollution from agricultural activity.

Organic cucumbers
Organic cucumbers

Another goal is the protection of wild flora and fauna, protecting the soil from erosion. In simple words, its good, effective impact is expressed in the purposeful preservation of human resources in several ways:

- improving the quality of life;

Organic carrots
Organic carrots

- production of healthy products without environmental pollution;

- reducing the use of agrochemicals.

Organic vegetables
Organic vegetables

And more, organic farming imposes completely clean control over pests, diseases and nature in general, without the use of chemicals and other poisons. And this is favorable for the flora and fauna, respectively - and for us.

The differences between organic farming and agriculture are few. Organic production requires sustainable optimization of bioequilibrium in organic systems.

Organic fruits
Organic fruits

That is, the main goal is to preserve the available natural components in the soil structure, as well as its characteristic natural microorganisms, insects, worms and others. They are the ones that are necessary for the good operation of a limited farm.

Ideal for the development of organic farming are small and medium-sized agricultural holdings in the semi-mountainous and mountainous regions.

This, among other benefits, sustains life in mountainous areas and creates conditions for future development of rural and ecotourism.

In Bulgaria today, however, there is the problem of economic pressure on the development of organic farming in mountainous areas, as many settlements are at risk of depopulation.

Of course, not everything in the world of organic farming is pink. It should be borne in mind that it also uses chemicals, albeit in very reduced quantities. There are criteria for their use, but everything ultimately depends on the farmer. And his conscience.

After all, buying organic fruits and organic vegetables is preferable to conventional ones. On the other hand, there is strong speculation with the price of these products, which is many times higher than acceptable.
