These Are The Basic Principles Of Proper Baby Nutrition

These Are The Basic Principles Of Proper Baby Nutrition
These Are The Basic Principles Of Proper Baby Nutrition

When it comes to nutrition, everyone has wondered how much is needed and should be eaten by one individual. In adults it is easier - when they feel full they stop eating. But for children it is different. There are children who do not like to eat, others eat more. However, there are certain standards that health organizations recommend.

According to these standards, the amount of food consumed should be appropriate to the age of the children or adults.

The amount of food depends on many other factors, such as the activity of the child, the number of meals per day, the weight of the child, according to the caloric content of the food consumed.

Many mothers wonder what is the required amount of milk (food) that the baby should take. There is a formula that can be used to calculate the approximate milk intake for the baby. This formula is 1n0, where n is the number of months. For example, if the baby is 4 months old, he should drink 140 ml of milk per feeding. Naturally there is a deviation, which is normally about + -20 ml.

It should also be borne in mind that in the morning after a night break, you may want to drink more than these 140 ml. Another standard that is accepted is that the amount of food for 24 hours for a child up to 1 year should be: 1/7 of his weight from 4 to 6 months when feeding begins, and 1/8 of the weight over 6 months. All this is indicative. Children are different and have their own needs, they must be approached individually.

These are the basic principles of proper baby nutrition
These are the basic principles of proper baby nutrition

It is accepted that the portion of food should not exceed the physiological volume of the stomach. It is normal for children after 1 year (up to 18 m) to eat 300-350 g, and children from 18 m to 3 years - 350 to 400 g.

Another option for calculating the amount of food that the child should consume is: 30 ml / kg body weight - this means that in a 15 kg child the volume of the stomach is 450 ml.

The amount of food consumed also depends on the activity of the child. The more active it is, the more food it will need. It is recommended to include it once in one of the meals or as an additional meal.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the number of meals for children from 6 months to 24 months is 4-5 main meals with 1-2 intermediate meals included. Snacks should be lighter and include fruit, vegetables, cookies or something else.

These are the basic principles of proper baby nutrition
These are the basic principles of proper baby nutrition

The term "enlarged stomach" is very common among mothers. In reality, it is a term used to describe the nutritional status of children. This condition can be avoided by offering more food, but in smaller quantities; of lower calorie foods, slow eating, increasing fiber consumption - more fruits and vegetables.
